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[インタビュー] OBLIVION DUST (AKASAKA BLITZ, 2015.12.22)
2015年12月22日、OBLIVION DUST LIVE TOUR 2015 “Live Graffiti”の東京公演が赤坂BLITZにて行われた。Kawaii Kakkoii Sugoiでは、公演後、OBLIVION DUSTのインタビューを実施した。ツアーのコンセプトやメンバーの可愛い一面に迫ったユーモアたっぷりのインタビューをお届けしたい。 Read the English version here! 取材:Emi ── 初めまして。よろしくお願いします。 OBLIVION DUST 初めまして、よろしくお願いします。 ── さっそくですが、今回のツアー「Live Graffiti」のコンセプトを教えていただけますか。 KEN...
[Interview] Pili talks Thunderbolt Fantasy and shares their Expert Craftsmanship at Anime Central 2024
During our time at Anime Central we had a chance to talk with Pili International Media, the production company behind the hit show “Thunderbolt Fantasy”!...
[Interview] Vtuber Mom Ayamy chats with us at Anime Central 2024
We recently attended Anime Central in Illinois and had the chance to speak with Ayamy, a Vtuber illustrator who’s also responsible for creating character designs...
[Interview] The meaning behind TRUE!
In our next interview, we has a chance to interview with amazing TRUE. She debuted in 2000 under her name, Miho Karasawa, until 2014 where...
【INTERVIEW】YOSHIKI Talks About Upcoming Classical World Tour and More
For any Japanese rock and music fan, YOSHIKI is a household name. As the leader of X Japan and THE LAST ROCKSTARS, his name has...
[INTERVIEW] Catching up with Taku Takahashi – Part Two
Click here to read part one of our amazing interview with Taku here if you haven’t yet! In Part 2 of our interview with the...
[INTERVIEW] Catching up with Taku Takahashi – Part One
We had a chance to sit down with renowned Japanese DJ and Producer Taku Takahashi (@takudj) during Anime Expo. Taku has been a influential figure...
[EXCLUSIVE] INTERVIEW WITH Da-iCE, June 2016 (ダイス インタビュー 2016)
On June 3, 2016, Kawaii Kakkoii Sugoi had a chance to interview J-Pop Vocal &Dance Group Da-iCE during their stay in Los Angeles, after the group wrapped...
[Exclusive] Interview With WagakkiBand New York 2016 (和楽器バンド インタビュー 2016)
On March 14th, WagakkiBand (和楽器バンド) showcased in New York their one-of-a-kind performance that incorporated Western Rock with Traditional Japanese Performing Arts. The show was a totally...