“Kawaii Monster Cafe” in Harajuku, Tokyo will be serving special Christmas dishes for a limited time this winter! The theme of the dishes is “poisonous cuteness”, and there will be lots of unique foods!

“White Pop Burger Snowman” is a burger which depicts a snowman, with white buns, a gratin croquette and meat sauce.

“Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Sweets” is a cake shaped like a reindeer in Santa Claus suits.The face is made with chocolate cream sandwich cake and Santa Claus suits are made with strawberry moose. You can enjoy a delicious combination of strawberry and chocolate.

“Merry Monster” is a dessert with the cafe’s mascot character, Choppy. It’s a soft moose filled with berry sauce inside. It’s so colorful and very photogenic!

These Christmas season-limited menu items will be available from 12/7 to 12/25.


Besides these special dishes, there will be a special Christmas dinner course on 12/18 – 12/25 and a performance, “Christmas Special Night”!


Source: Fashion Press

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