A popular mahjong manga, “Saki”‘s live action drama series will be aired on TV starting this December. It is now announced that the main character, Saki Miyanaga will be played by Minami Hamabe.

“Saki” is a popular mahjong manga series in Square Enix’s Young Gangan written and illustrated by Ritz Kobayashi since 2006. The story follows with high school girls who compete for the national mahjong tournament in the world where over 100 million people play mahjong. It got an anime adaption in 2009 and it has been attracting so many fans over the years.

The announcement about the live action series was made in September and finally they revealed the main casts for Saki live action drama and movie along with a key visual this time. Minami Hamabe who will act Saki is a young popular actress that some people might recognize her as Menma from “Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day” live action special drama. On the key visual, Minami is holding a mahjong tile in school uniform. She commented that she never played mahjong before, she studied about mahjong with her teacher spending over a month.

Live action special drama will be aired on TV starting this December and the movie will hit theaters next February.



Source: Anime! Anime!


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