hayao miyazaki
New Dates Added for “SPIRITED AWAY: LIVE ON STAGE” Screenings
Due to overwhelming fan demand, GKIDS and Fathom Events have added new dates to the first-ever North American screenings of SPIRITED AWAY: Live On Stage. Filmed...
Azumi Inoue and Yuyu Interview
Studio Ghibli’s popular theme song singer, Azumi Inoue and her daughter, Yuyu, are coming to J-POP SUMMIT! KKS interviewed Azumi Inoue and Yuyu. Here is...
Studio Ghibli’s next film, The Borrowers (Karigurashi no Arrietty) set to be released Summer 2010
As I discovered on the Anime News Network‘s website, Studio Ghibli‘s next animated feature will be the Borrowers (Karigurashi no Arrietty), based on the 1952...