One of the most popular anime series from this season, “Yuri!!! on ICE” is having a collaboration cafe with “Figure Skating Grand Prix Final” which opens on December 9th for a limited time only! It will be held at Cafe CHEZ MADU in Roppongi on December 1st until 22nd.

The cafe is decorated with Yuri!!! on ICE characters and Grand Prix finalists and you can enjoy the exclusive special menu at this collaboration cafe! From “Grand Prix Final,” there will be local food from Marseille, France where the Grand Prix will be held and sweets inspired by their technique. From “Yuri!!! on ICE,” there will be Katsudon, Pirozhki and Pancake! You can also enjoy special drinks with Yuri, Yurio and Viktor’s latte art.

You can also get one original coaster when you order special menus during this campaign. If you like figure skating and Yuri!!! on ICE, this will be the best cafe for you!


Source: Animate Times


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