Helter Skelter is a Japanese movie directed by Mika Ninagawa, The Director of Sakuran (!!!)  in 2007 and based on a manga by Kyoko Okazaki from 2003. It’s released by Asmik Ace Entertainment in Japan on July 14, 2012. Erica Sawajiri’s first film in 5 years, Can you believe it? I remember watching “1 L no namida”, Japanese Drama back in 2005. Her performance in 1 litre no namida was AMAZING. Period. so I am looking forward to checking her new film!  A lof of scandales about her but personally I like her style, kawaii and kakkoii! This new film, Helter Skelter was intended to be her big comeback to film acting after being dismissed from her previous agency, Stardust Promotion. Welcome back Erica Sama!

Erika Sawajiri will star as a famous model named Ririko with a closely guarded secret—her appearance has been attained almost entirely through plastic surgery procedures. Very interesting, huh? The original manga was showing the dark side of this business, with a girl trapped into this world of appearances, trying to maintain her perfect body without losing her mind…..


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