A trailer of an animated adaptation of Negi Haruba’s (known for The Quintessential Quintuplets) latest work Go, Go, Loser Ranger! (戦隊大失格) dropped on social media today. The show is slated to premiere in April 7th and will be available on Disney+ worldwide. (In the past, Disney+ exclusives have premiered on Hulu in the USA). The animation studio behind the production will be YOSTAR Pictures and directed by Keiichi Sato. The manga has been in publication since 2021.
The announced cast is as follows:
Yusuke Kobayashi as “Fighter D”
Yumika Yano as “Yumeko Suzukiri”
Daishi Kajita as “Hibiki Sakurama”
Yuichi Nakamura as Red Keeper
GO Inoue as Blue Keeper
KenshO Ono as Yellow Keeper
Kōsuke Toriumi as Green Keeper
M.A.O. as Pink Keeper
Director – Keiichi Satou
Character Designer – Kahoko Koseki
Animation Supervisor – Kenji Hayama
Music – Yoshihiro Ike
メインビジュアル解禁 原作/#春場ねぎ
監督/#さとうけいいち#アニメ戦隊大失格 pic.twitter.com/WxPG3PQnwy— TVアニメ『戦隊大失格』公式 (@anime_sentai) February 19, 2024
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Japanese Homepage: https://sh-anime.shochiku.co.jp/anime-sentai-daishikkaku/
Japanese X account: https://twitter.com/anime_sentai/