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The cutest Hello kitty Dentist in tokyo.
OMG. Are you kidding? Hello kitty dentist really exists in koto-ku, Tokyo. Definitely the pink-est + cutest dentist on earth. It’s called “Hearts Dental Clinic.”...
Kawaii! Make your own Candy Cones!
Hello! Hope you’re having wonderful holidays! I just found something for you KKS readers. something fun to do this time of the year! Deco deco...
Japanese emoticons KAOMOJI.
Japanese emoticons KAOMOJI Japanese emoticons are called kaomoji in japanese. I found this very funny : i didnt know emotions had such cute translations! Table...
Chanrio: Make Yourself into a Sanrio Character!
Sanrio has started a new project called Chanrio Maker, a service where you can design a Sanrio-styled avatar of yourself! Over 1,500,000 users have created these avatars...
Dir en grey Tour with Apocalyptica! ~Review~
That night, I'd seen the same Dir en grey that had put on the shows at the Gramercy a year ago. It was the general...
a traditional Japanese fan UCHIWA
UCHIWA is a traditional Japanese hand fan. It is often used by a person to create a breeze to keep cool in hot weather. They are...
kobito dukan こびとづかん
have you ever seen something like these little guys ever? i think you have. only when you were 3 years old. just kidding.. i dont...
Kickin it in Togoshi
So our friend Nex just sent this video over of her friend Alan Jr, a rapper from Southern California who is living in Togoshi-Ginza. Alan...
The Most Expensive Osechi in Japan
New Years is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time for osechi! In short, osechi are traditional New Years foods that feature a...