In the realm of heartwarming romantic comedies, “The Date of Marriage” emerges as a delightful gem, capturing hearts and sparking laughter. Starring the Genta “G” Matsuda from the JPOP idol group Travis Japan, this series is now streaming on Rakuten Viki in North/South America, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and more!

Watch “The Date of Marriage“:

【About the Show】
Masaomi Yuki (Matsuda), is handsome, hard-working, and head-over-heels for his coworker Yoshiko who had everything in her life planned out. She wanted to be married at 26, have her first child at 27; but now she’s about to enter the least year of her twenties without even a boyfriend anymore! So Masaomi shoots his shot, offering to marry her if she can’t find anyone else within a year. Can such a modern marriage of convenience survive!?

Series airing now in Japan on MBS, with each episode uploaded for international fans shortly after broadcast.

【Message from Genta Matsuda】
I’m so glad to hear that this drama will be streamed overseas! I have had a great experience with the show together with my co-star Sakurako Ohara, and I’m excited to share it with the world. To be honest, I was nervous all the way through to the first day of shooting since it was my first time starring in a drama and it felt like I had no idea what I was doing, but it’s a project I want to cherish, and under the guidance of the amazing directors and their team I am doing my best with each episode in the hopes that my fans and those of the original manga will want to see the next one!

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