Ren Meguro, a member of Japan’s best-selling boyband Snow Man, takes center stage in the action-packed comedy-drama “Trillion Game.” This drama series is now available for streaming in over 190 territories on Netflix!

“Trillion Game” is a live-action adaptation of the best-selling manga by Riichiro Inagaki and Ryoichi Ikegami and originally aired on Japan’s TBS from July 14 to September 15, 2023.

Watch “Trillion Game” on Netflix:

【About the Series】
Silver-tongued and charismatic Haru Tennoji (Meguro) is a guy who knows exactly how to work a crowd. He can turn anything he wants into reality with the help of his best friend – the brilliant but painfully shy Gaku. The two apply for jobs at the nation’s largest IT company Dragon Bank, but when Haru gets an offer without Gaku, he turns it down to chase a far more tantalizing ambition: to earn 1 trillion dollars! But the world of business is cutthroat, and not everyone is happy to see these two poor kids succeed.

【Comment from Ren Meguro】
“With ‘Trillion Game,’ I and the rest of the cast, as well as the staff and crew really put a lot of heart into creating the drama. When it comes to completed projects I’ve done, I feel like once they’re out they kind of take on a life of their own through interacting with new audiences, and I’m very curious to see how that plays out with first-time foreign viewers in addition to repeat or first-time viewers here in Japan.

As an entertainer who wants to experience being a part of more international projects ? not just acting but together with Snow Man as well ? I’m glad that more people around the world are getting the chance to experience TV shows that represent and show off what Japan has to offer.”

▼Watch the Official Music Video to Theme Song “Dangerholic” by Snow Man▼


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