King & Prince, a popular Japanese idol group, has just dropped their latest single called “NANIMONO” as a two-man group. This highly anticipated release introduces Ren Nagase and Kaito Takahashi as they embark on a fresh chapter in their musical journey. Filled with heartfelt melodies and captivating visuals, the duo invites fans to join them on an exciting exploration of their future as a group.

You can now stream “NANIMONO” worldwide exclusively on YouTube and YouTube Music.

The title “NANIMONO,” which roughly means “what are we?” carries significant meaning as the group’s 13th single. It represents the duo’s thoughtful contemplation about their artistic vision and the direction of their music. Ren Nagase and Kaito Takahashi, who cherish their dedicated fans known as “tiara,” convey a thought-provoking message through a delightful blend of fun and bittersweet melodies.

In the MV, viewers are taken on a journey through the contrasting lives of these two young men. Despite their differences, the video emphasizes how their shared love for music and performing unites them like nothing else can.

The physical CD of “NANIMONO” will be released on June 21, 2023. You can find the CD at various stores where Japanese music is sold. Excitingly, the CD comes in three different versions, each containing additional songs and exclusive behind-the-scenes video content.


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