From left to right,: Aida Shion, Aozora Sorano, Hikari Amano, Usa Sakurano, Hana Hanamiya

ARCANA Project is 5 member Japanese J-pop group co-produced by DEARSTAGE and Lantis. Each member is represented by a different Tarot card. Their music have been featured in animes such as Monster Girl Doctor, Redo of Healer, and The Aquatope on White Sand. Soon they’ll be making an appearance next week at AnimeNYC in New York. We had the opportunity to interview Hana Hanamiya (花宮 ハナ) from the group about her career and what it’s like performing at concerts in Japan!

1. How did each member come to pick their “Arcana”?

Hana Hanamiya: My tarot card is “The Magician”. It means possibility, opportunity, communication skills, creation, etc. I was really torn between this and other tarot cards, but I decided on this one because I am thankfully taking chances and I talk a lot, so the meaning of communication was right for me.

2. What was the first concert you saw that made you want to become an idol?

Hana Hanamiya: I have always loved anime and also loved singing. It didn’t take me long to realize that I wanted to sing. I don’t really remember a specific event that made me think this way, but I think my dream of singing anime songs was somewhere inside me.

ARCANA PROJECT’s Hanamiya Hana (花宮 ハナ) “The Magician”

3. You had the opportunity to perform at ANISAMA (Animelo Summer Live) last year! How is it to perform in front of such a massive crowd?

Hana Hanamiya: I was very nervous! It was my dream stage that I had always wanted to be on, and it was the first time in my life that I had sung in front of that many people. Before the show started, I was anxious all the time, thinking about all kinds of negative things, such as whether I would get the lyrics wrong or my voice would sound hoarse due to nervousness. But once the show started, I had a lot of fun and was shown a very happy scenery. I hope to stand on that stage again someday!

4. To add on to the previous question, what are your favorite songs to perform at concerts?

Hana Hanamiya: I love all of ARCANA PROJECT’s songs, but my recent favorite is the song “Pessimistic Strength”. It is the coupling song for “Eureka. It was written by ani-song singer ZAQ, and it’s really cool and gets people excited at live performances. It’s fun to sing and I love it because I feel like we all become one.

5. What’s a fun fact about you that not many people know?

Hana Hanamiya: We are very open people, so it’s a little difficult to give information that the fans don’t know, but maybe you don’t know that Hikaru Amano is a bit tongue-tied…? At first I thought she was quiet and calm, but as we get to know each other, I’m glad to see her showing many sides.

6. Let’s pretend you’re a fan outside of the group, who would be your oshi?

Hana Hanamiya: This is a very difficult question…! I love all four of them because I know them personally. But if I were to imagine a world where I had nothing to do with ARCANA PROJECT, my “Yoshi” would probably be Shion Aida. She has a very pretty face and I love her.

7. Anything else you’d like to share with your fans in America?

Hana Hanamiya: I am very happy to be able to communicate with everyone in the United States! This is a country that I have always admired, and I will continue to do my best to bring live performances to you all there someday! Thank you so much for all your support from afar! Thank you for your continued support!


1. どうやって自分のタロットカードを決められたのか教えてください。

花宮ハナ: 私のタロットカードは、「魔術師」です。

2. アニソン歌手になりたいと思ったきっかけのコンサートはありますか?

花宮ハナ: 私は昔からアニメが大好きで、そして歌も大好きでした。なので、気がついたときにはアニメに関わる仕事がしたい!歌が歌いたい!と思っていました。どのコンサートをきっかけにそう思ったかはあまり覚えていませんが、気がついた時にはアニソンを歌いたいという夢が心のどこかにあったように思います。

3. 皆さんは去年アニサマにも出演されていましたね!あれだけ多くの人が集まった会場でライブするのはいかがでしたか?

花宮ハナ: すごく緊張しました!ずっと憧れていた夢の舞台でしたし、あんなに多くの人の前で歌うことは生まれて初めてでした。

4. 先程の質問の続きとなりますが、ライブで歌うのにお気に入りの曲があれば教えてください。

花宮ハナ: ARCANA PROJECTの楽曲は全部大好きですが、最近の私は「厭世的ストレングス」という楽曲がお気に入りです。「ユリイカ」のカップリング曲です。

5. まだファンのみんなが知らないメンバーについてのおもしろいトリビアなどがあれば教えてください。

花宮ハナ: 私たちはすごくオープンな人たちなのでファンのみんなが知らない情報は少し難しいのですが、意外と天野ひかるが毒舌なところとか…?

6. もしみなさんがARCANA PROJECTのメンバーでなかったら…。誰の推しになっていると思いますか?

花宮ハナ: すごく難しい質問です…!

7. アメリカのファンに向けて一言お願いします!

花宮ハナ: アメリカの皆さんとコミュニケーションが取れてすごく嬉しいです!

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ARCANA PROJECT is a 5-member vocal unit by DEARSTAGE and Lantis. DEARSTAGE is the entertainment agency to which “” and “Niji no Conquistador” belong, while Lantis is a music label specializing in anime songs. The five members of this group are Usa Sakurano, Hana Hanamiya, Shion Aida, Aozora Sorano, and Hikaru Amano. With a worldview based on tarot cards as its motif, the group expresses various genres of music with each member’s unique vocals and performance.

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