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Goodbye Gundam?!
Gundam’s Last Day, March 5th, 2017 If you are or will be in Japan before March 5th, 2017, we highly urge you to go catch...
Limited Edition Gundam x Reebok Sneakers
To celebrate Reebok’s Insta Pump Fury’s 20th anniversary, the company released limited edition Gundam shoes on April 29th. The sneakers are available at Reebok stores...
Don’t trash my Gundam toys, Mom!
Wow. Just wow. Yoshifumi Takashe, a 30-year old guy living with his mother in Kasai, Hyogo prefecture, burned down the house they shared after his...
Andrew W.K. + Gundam is here!
I blogged previously about Andrew W.K. and how he took on the task of recording an entire album in which he covers the songs of...