Here’s another KAWAII japanese character of food, this time, it’s TO-FU! 豆腐。They are called “TO-FU OYAKO” their story is pretty good. The red tofu is mother. and the blue tofu ( a little one ) is her son. Now They are looking  for his missing father. (Story.)

Birth of To-Fu family :

Shinichiro Kitai(DEVILROBOTS) says, I wanted to create a character with simple line but with strong impact. Then the square big headed character with space suit like body character was created. For some reason, the character has troubled face. This was the very unique point of this character, so gave it more thoughts.
It looked lonely standing alone, so used the “expand & reduce” system of the software to create a side kick with 60% reduction. Then it looks like a mother and son, this is when TO-FU OYAKO was created. Fortunately, TO-FU OYAKO was nominated as the character King at the contest, but at the moment, I was not thinking of afterwards, so TO-FU OYAKO went in to hibernation for 5years.
At the dawn of 21st century, TO-FU OYAKO awoke to walk all around the world. Creating new characters, and it was supposed to be up to 102, but it has way surpassed the number and keeps growing even today. We are very thankful for our fans and their strong support over the years. Arigato-FU(Arigato + TO-FU). 2011, new evolution is occurring to TO-FU OYAKO, and I wish to get your support as you always given to us. (Source)

Don’t forget to check out their website. English here.

There’s super kawaii  iphone app too!


Look at this “chara ben” (a Character bento) of To-Fu oyako! SOOOO adorable.


There are so many friends ( more is coming, total 102 tofu people!  ) and my favorite one so far is this guy, japanese tofu. how cute he is! The best part is, on his profile, He is a very good friend with TO-FU America and France TO-FU, and they often gather to hold a international conferences.


Here’s a short video of “Rules in a theater for kids.”


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