Hello Darkness, My Old Friend….
check out this video from a Japanese TV program…some contestants do imitations of Simon & Garfunkel, the Stylistics, and Gipsy Kings….it’s pretty funny. The Simon...
check out this video from a Japanese TV program…some contestants do imitations of Simon & Garfunkel, the Stylistics, and Gipsy Kings….it’s pretty funny. The Simon...
Yoko Ono is AMAZING! She is the most my respectable japanese female artist. YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND‘s new album called「BETWEEN MY HEAD AND THE...
This is a bit old but I just stumbled upon it over at JapanProbe. Yes. I wish i was cool enough to do this. here’s...
Halloween’s almost here, so I figured it would be cool to look at some particularly creative/neat Jack O Lanterns that I found somewhere on the...
X Japan, the famous J Rock band that formed in the 1980s, will be taking over the streets of Hollywood on January 9 to film...
21-year old Lisa Courtney of Herfordshire, UK has done it. Due to her amassing, in her words, over 13,000 pieces of Pokemon memorabilia, she is...
youtubeをネットサーフィンしていたら懐かしいゲームのOPトラックを見つけました。1999年に発売されました「ワイルドアームズ セカンドイグニッション」です。当時は夢中になってプレーしていましたね … とにかくOPのアニメーションが素晴らしかったのを懐かしく思い出しました。 -僕は、本当に「英雄」なのだろうか?- どこにでもいるような青年、「アシュレー・ウインチェスター」。 騎士団付属の銃士隊に所属する新米隊員アシュレーは、 古代遺跡における巨大怪獣覚醒騒動の際、目覚ましい活躍をみせる。 この功績が、彼を緊急任務遂行部隊、通称「ARMS」へ配属させることとなる。 だが、このことがこれからの運命、ひいてはファルガイア全土を巻き込む 「焔の災厄」の始まりであることは知る由もなかった…。
I found this video over at Japan Probe, and just had to re-post it. This commercial is for a compilation album called “Around 40 Eurobeat...
Apparently, some Japanese iTunes users have recently been charged money for downloads they never made…and this has created a bit of a stir, as the...
Some things are just…..odd This is one of them. American actress Kirsten Dunst, probably best known for her role as Mary Jane Watson in the...