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Kawaii Kakkoii Sugoi blog on Facebook If you’re on Facebook (and of course you are, everyone is!) and dig this blog, why not Become a...
I just felt the need to weigh in on today, a day that will forever be in the memories of everyone from all over the...
Another unique Japanese variety of Pepsi will hit stores this October…called Pepsi Azuki, it will presumably taste like Azuki beans. I don’t think I’ve ever...
Apparently, Japanese company Haruyama Trading Co. has created a suit that is designed to fight the H1N1 virus, or Swine flu. According to this article,...
I keep coming across articles and sites discussing this new satirical anime/manga The Legend of Koizumi, in which real-life world leaders such as Junichiro Koizumi,...
I came across this gem of an article over at College News. They compiled a humorous and entertaining list of seven things that gamers are...
I’d like to use this post to encourage you and anyone else that reads it to help out with the crisis going on in Haiti....
最近話題になっている「影の子どもたち-世界の終わりの魔法使い3」マンガの1巻を買ってみました。装丁がかわいらしいのと、キャラクターもかなりかわいらしい感じです。内容は、科学が滅んだ時代の魔法の村。何故か魔法が使えない少年ムギは、不思議な魔法使いの少女サン・フェアリー・アンと出会い、「世界の終わり」と闘うことに…。読めばゼッタイ勇気がもらえる、西島大介の切ない傑作ファンタジー。 だそうです 良く目にする読者のレビューが、子供向けに見えて、実は大人に読んで欲しい作品。とのことです。本を開いてみたところ、かなり吹き出しの文字が少なく 早い人では1時間もかからず読めてしまうものかもしれませんが、絵がやはりかわいいです。近日中に読書感想文提出します。
“Ooooh, somebody’s got a sweet-tooth!” the grocery store clerk said to me as he scanned my items and put them into a paper bag. I...